Empowered Mind Transformation



  • Do you suffer almost every month with deep sadness or uncontrollable irritation and unreasonable rage?
  • Have you found that the menstrual pain Is nearly unbearable and can bring you to your knees?  
  • Do you have excruciating migraines that come like clockwork every month?
  • Is your relationship being ruined or destroyed by the emotions and outbursts that you cannot control during 'that time of the month?'
  • Do you call your menstrual period 'Hell week,' because there is so much pain and turmoil involved?
  • Would you like to finally find peace? To be free? To release those destructive PMS symptoms and just have a frick'n normal period?

Don't worry, you are not alone and you are not crazy. There are millions of women that suffer with the same feminine issues. I have worked with many women with severe PMS symptoms who have PMDD, PCOS or PME.

PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is severe PMS on hyperdrive with extreme emotional and/or physical disruption of enjoyable life function during the menstrual cycle.

PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a menstrual hormonal disorder that causes irregular or sporadic menstrual cycles, enlarged ovaries, or excess androgen male hormone.

PME Premenstrual Exacerbation is the exacerbation/ worsening symptoms of pre-existing disorders or ailments during the menstrual cycle. Cyclical exacerbation of a variety of physical issues, pain, migraines,  gut issues, organ malfunction, or autoimmune diseases etc.

The origins may be different, it may be a new or lifelong ailment, and after having tried all the other available medical options out there may still not be relieved.

... until working with me. 

It doesn't matter how long you have had it, or how bad it is, or even if you never imagined you might have a choice to live without it.

1. If you are open to the possibility that it has worked for others, therefore CAN be done, and IT CAN WORK FOR YOU!


3. and you are willing to participate in the FOLLOW THROUGH leading to the PEACE & FREEDOM FROM THESE SYMPTOMS.

that's all the opening we need to get started to make it a reality for you. 


What if you could be free

of menstrual cycle suffering?

What if the belief that nothing can be done to relieve or stop the difficult menstrual cycle symptoms you go through every month, was a lie?

Not an intentional lie, but a false belief, only because you and those around you didn't know of another truth.

Expand your awareness to open up to the answers you have been searching for.

Consider a therapy that has proven to work for other women, therefore can be done, and in turn has the potential to work for you.

~Let go of the feelings of extreme sadness and self criticism in the "Hell week" phase of your period.

~Release the uncontrollable rage and outbursts that are ruining your love and work relationships.

~Enjoy the freedom of not having to go through the debilitating pain or amplification of existing ailments each month.  

Our mind and body are always, every second of the day, communicating with us and each other.

Your mind wants to keep you safe, but when it gets desperate to get your attention, to make you listen, or it can no longer mask the internal pain, it may release it, express it externally.

Through my experience and the therapy I provide, based in deep emotional healing, gives you a direct way to communicate with the subconscious mind to achieve real results. 

 We can ignore, mask or medicate the issue, or we can deal with it and remove it.

Empowered Mind Transformation

takes you directly to the root cause of your pain, processes through it and then helps you to let go of it.

Using the power and skill of the subconscious mind, we find the truth, heal through that pain, and have your mind and body focus it's power and abilities to heal and let go.

Then we infuse the future expectations of what you do want,

FREEDOM- happiness, peace, relaxation and calm.

"Imagine that you had the ability to heal your body with the power of your mind...


What if this was true?

What would you want to restore, repair, or remove?

What is making your life so miserable, that if you could remove it, you would feel free?


Take that one thing, imagine it gone, picture that now...


Imagine your life without it...

Take a deep breath and believe it is possible...

Exhale and accept it is possible for you...

Choose to do what it takes to make that

your reality!


"I no longer have to imagine it, because I have seen it with my own eyes."

Carrie Mulligan RTT, C.Hyp

PMDD Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

PMDD is severe PMS on hyperdrive. There are several medical generic descriptions, expected symptoms and timeframes, but we will put these aside and go right to the source-women who are living with this.

I could give you the Drs. versions of what it is and how it works, but instead I will tell you what I have learned listening to and asking questions from thousands of women who suffer unbearably with PMDD.

Myth: that it only occurs 1-2 weeks before starting menstruation and stops with onset of menses. 

Real world fact: PMDD symptoms and timelines can vary significantly between individuals, it can afflict women 1-2 days or 1-3+ weeks prior, during and occasionally after. Some only get 1-2 good free days a month and suffer every other day.

They may not get it every month, or vary in severity each month. They may stop as soon as their bleeding starts, or it may carry through part or all of it.

It may start upon their very first period, or begin in their 20s, 30s, or 40s, after giving birth, following a bad relationship, traumatic event, or other health issue.

It presents as a unique combination for each woman.

Some are all emotional or only physical, and others are a combination of both, with one being most intrusive.

The one common denominator is that it revolves in some repetitive pattern around their menstrual cycle and it results in disruption to their daily function, interaction and happiness.

Millions of women are in this splintered boat, slowly sinking, many are drowning, many unaware of what they have, thinking there is something wrong with them or they are crazy, or it is their fault some how.

Many Drs do not even know it exists, others know of it, but don't understand or have any real answers for it, So many women complain that they can't find anyone to listen to them, they've been told, "it's just PMS, you're exaggerating, get over it, or it's all in your head, or you must be bipolar."

Please know you are NOT crazy, this is NOT your fault, and you DO NOT have to live the rest of your life with this!

Do not believe that you have to suffer with PMDD for the rest of your life.

For years, I have freed many women with severe cases of PMDD successfully.

Freedom from PMDD can be achieved easily and swiftly. No drugs, supplements or surgery.

I need help with PMDD

PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS is a hormonal disorder occurring among women of reproductive age.

Women with PCOS may experience irregular or infrequent menstrual periods. This may make it more difficult to get pregnant. 

An excess male hormone levels (androgen) can be measured.

The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.



Symptoms of PCOS often begin around the time of the first menstrual period during puberty. Sometimes PCOS can develop later on in response to substantial weight gain.

Signs and symptoms of PCOS may individually vary.

PCOS is diagnosed when you experience at least two of these symptoms:

  • Irregular periods. Infrequent, sporadic, irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles. They may have less than monthly periods, more than 35 days between periods and abnormally heavy periods.  
  • Excess androgen. Higher than normal levels of this male hormone.  It can produce physical signs, such as excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), occasional severe acne, or male-pattern baldness.
  • Polycystic ovaries. Ovaries may enlarge and contain follicles that surround the eggs. As a result, the ovaries might fail to function normally.

EMT therapies have successfully removed PCOS and its symptoms within 30-60 days. Tapping into the power of the mind can heal the body.

I need help with PCOS

PME Premenstrual Exacerbation

PME is the premenstrual exacerbation or worsening of the symptoms of pre-existing mental or physical health complications, such as physical illness, or anxiety/ depression sufferers. Can also be expressed with rage.

Amplification of things like, anemia, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual migraine, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, skin disorders like acne and eczema, sleep disorders, auto-immune disorders like MS, arthritis, lupus or fibromyalgia.

Usually occurs in the luteal phase of the menstruation cycle, up to 2 weeks between ovulation and menstruation.

PME believed to be linked to the body's response to the fluctuating levels of hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen being released during the menstrual cycle. 

Many women describe it  as a feeling they are losing their minds and out of control.

With PME some symptoms are present throughout the entire months cycle, but become more severe during the premenstrual phase.

To compare and distinguish between PMDD: With PMDD, the distressful symptoms usually disappear during their "good days." They often refer to their PMDD days as, "Hell week."

Using the EMT methods I help women to release the PME exacerbation, and can also work on the underlying health condition. 

I need help with PME


Freedom is not something you are given, it is something that you take, that you create, that you demand as a sovereign human being.

Choose to be FREE from that which is holding you down, holding you back, and holding you at a distance from your peace and happiness.

Grab a Free Call

PCOS Therapy results

As a woman diagnosed with PCOS, I have always “Suffered” because of my periods. I was told I would never have children, experienced extreme PMS and period pain so bad I was put on a morphine drip on a monthly basis. ... my cycle is painful and heavy to the point I use 20 super-sized sanitary protections per day and do not leave the house. I also sleep on towels.

Then I met Carrie. I was very nervous but excited to start RTT, but I am so pleased that I did.

After one session, I felt immensely lighter and totally more in control of my emotions than ever. It was like something had been taken out, shook up and put back again all shiny and new.

My ever scientific and cynical (sorry realistic) husband was quite wary of the transformation that came out. I suddenly found I was focussed on what I wanted and had a very clear set of boundaries, which instantly I put into place. 

Carrie had a perfect voice for hypnosis, as it is calming and confident and instantly reassures you. I felt I could trust her and opened up with ease. This is why I think the results have been amazing. ...  My face and abdomen are less bloated, and I feel more alert.

The most amazing part though is that during pregnancy I sustained a renal injury, which meant my renal function was 20% compromised. The blood tests for the gout have shown my renal function to be within normal range.

My thyroid was also damaged during pregnancy, and the hair loss caused by this is reversing. I am totally amazed.

Today is day one of my period, I have experienced no mood swings or grumping at my family. I have been calm, and so far no painkillers have been required. The flow is manageable. It feels like magic. I am writing and working, whereas I would have lost at least three days to recover normally. I cannot thank Carrie enough.

Jewels Carter, Cph./ Denmark

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Is the little girl in you crying out?

Trauma, painful experiences and wounded beliefs can take up space in our mind and our body from any age, but frequently begin when we are young.

These things, if not properly dealt with at the deepest level, can consistently scream louder in various emotional and physical ways, demanding to be heard, begging to be healed.

For some, it can be coped with, pushed down further and ignored.

For others, it can build and reach a level that refuses to be ignored and presents as physical pain or illness, emotional pain, migraines, or severe PMS symptoms.

To heal, release and let go doesn't have to be difficult, it definitely does not need to take years.

The impossible is possible when you know how.

Let me show you how.

Carrie Mulligan

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