Empowered Mind Transformation



  • Are you in a chronic cycle of pain or illness?
  • Is your movement and activities limited by pain or immobility problems?
  • Do you have migraines that stop you in your tracks?
  • Is fibromyalgia or autoimmune diseases keeping you from enjoying life?
  • Do you have specific illnesses affecting your ease and function?
  • Would you like it to stop? To be free? To release and let go of your pain and symptoms?


The origins may be different, it may be a new or lifelong ailment, they may have tried all the other medical options available, but it wasn't relieved or removed... until working with me. 

Relief is often felt after the first session. If there are several layers that need to be addressed, it may take three or more sessions to complete the release.

The desired outcome may be instant, or it can improve over time.

We work as a team, and I am your guide to achieve very quick and remarkable results. I use some of these methods under hypnosis. If you have something you really want to release, you have the power to choose it to be so.

It doesn't matter how long you have had it, or how bad it is, or even if you never imagined you might have a choice to live without it.

1. If you are open to the possibility that it has worked for others, therefore CAN be done, and IT CAN WORK FOR YOU!


3. and you are willing to participate in the FOLLOW THROUGH leading to the PEACE & FREEDOM FROM THESE SYMPTOMS.

That's all the opening we need to get started to make it a reality for you. 


What if pain or illness could be

relieved or removed?

When emotional or physical pain, abuse, neglect or abandonment, to name a few, are not dealt with at the deepest level, the body can express in physical pain or illness.

Things like migraines, joint pain, skin conditions, and autoimmune diseases are some examples of how the body might project the deeper despair it is experiencing.

From the time we are born we accumulate and imprint emotional pain into our bodies, memories and beliefs. We drag around our, "HURT AND WOUNDED BELIEFS" and if we do not process through and heal them, they may get louder and more disruptive.

Some will become blocks to our success and happiness, others can become septic through our nervous system to emerge as physical pain, autoimmune diseases or an array of illnesses. 

Our mind and body are always, every second of the day, communicating with us and each other.

Your mind wants to keep you safe, but when it gets desperate to get your attention, to make you listen, or it can no longer mask the internal pain, it may release it, express it externally.

My experience and the therapy I provide, based in hypnotherapy, gives you a direct way to communicate with the subconscious mind to achieve real results. 

 We can ignore, mask or medicate the issue, or we can deal with it and remove it.

Empowered Mind Transformation takes you directly to the root cause of your pain, processes through it and then helps you to let go of it.

Using the power and skill of the subconscious mind, we find the truth, heal through that pain, and have your mind and body focus it's power and abilities to heal and let go.

Then we infuse the future expectations of what you do want.

FREEDOM- happiness, peace, relaxation and calm.

"Imagine that you had the ability to heal your body with the power of your mind...


What if this was true?

What would you want to restore, repair, or remove?

What is making your life so miserable, that if you could release it, you would feel free?


Take that one thing, imagine it gone, picture that now...


Imagine your life without it...

Take a deep breath and believe it is possible...

Exhale and accept it is possible for you...

Choose to do what it takes to make that

your reality!


"I no longer have to imagine it, because I have seen it with my own eyes."

Carrie Mulligan RTT, C.Hyp

Physical Pain

Pain can manifest externally in so many ways; migraines, gut or reproductive issues, leg, joint or back pain.

Continual or excessive pain can wear on your emotions, stop you from enjoying life and relationships and diminish your ambition or motivation.

Pain can interfere with the ability to maintain functional employment or participate in social interactions. 

It may be constant or intermittent or flare up under certain circumstances or during stressful emotional events.

With or without obvious reasons, there is a source of pain that has shown up and decided to stick around. It is making your life miserable and you have not found a solution or been told there is no solution to your issue.

Or you have resigned yourself to masking it with drugs or alcohol, and accepting the side effects as unavoidable.

So far, I have found that there can be a solution and it's effective and lasting. 

I have witnessed the relief and release of long lasting pain, some as long as thirty years with clients, using the techniques of EMT.

I need help with Pain

Auto-immune Diseases


Fibromyalgia is often used as a diagnosis for a chronic condition, involving heightened widespread pain, fatigue, sleep issues, increased skin sensitivity, migraines, brain fog and general disruption of the nervous system.

Fibromyalgia's chronic disruption to normal living and the unbearable pain can lead to additional anxiety and depression.

It is diagnosed by the history of symptoms and ruling out of other medical explanations.There are no diagnostic tests for this.

It affects women twice as often as men.

The regular treatment is lifestyle changes, cognitive behavioral therapy and medications, which continues as a lifelong coping strategy, not with any expectations of removing it completely.

I work on the premise of removing it completely from the emotional root source of its development in the body.

The relief and elimination of the fibromyalgia symptoms for a client is life giving, as it no longer interferes in living fully. 

I need help with Fibromyalgia


Deep rooted trauma, hurtful events and wounded beliefs can get trapped in the body and create a septic reaction forming into a physical disease.

Gut- Chrone's, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, infections.

Lungs- asthma, pulmonary disease, nodes

Organ disruption- thyroid, kidney, liver, pancreas

MS, Fibromyalgia, autoimmune, arthritis.

Reproductive, fibroids, fertility issues, PMDD

Many of these illnesses and others can and have been turned around, released and improved following the processes of EMT therapies.

I need help with an Illness


Freedom is not something you are given, it is something that you take, that you create, that you demand as a sovereign human being.

Choose to be FREE from that which is holding you down, holding you back, and holding you at a distance from your peace and happiness.

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Testimonial : Back Pain

I came to Carrie to treat severe back pain. It has distracted my everyday life for over 14 years. At moments my back muscles were spasming so bad that I had a hard time breathing. I had disc bulging and my pelvic was shifting easily requiring weekly visits to the chiropractor for alignment.
Carrie is very professional and intuitive to my issue. During the session, we discovered limiting beliefs that were preventing me to let go of different problems and I was keeping them on my back.
After the session, I felt great right away. I felt like I removed a very heavy backpack from my back. I had the opportunity to breathe again. This has impacted my life on so many levels. I feel more flexible and totally free. I got my life back.
Carrie is very caring and she is compassionate about her work. I would highly recommend Carrie for her intuitive and professional work. - Diana Oskov, WA, USA

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Is the little girl in you crying out?

Trauma, painful experiences and wounded beliefs can take up space in our mind and our body from any age, but frequently begin when we are young.

These things, if not properly dealt with at the deepest level, can consistently scream louder in various emotional and physical ways, demanding to be heard, begging to be healed.

For some, it can be coped with, pushed down further and ignored.

For others, it can build and reach a level that refuses to be ignored and presents as physical pain or illness, emotional pain, migraines, or severe PMS symptoms.

To heal, release and let go doesn't have to be difficult, it definitely does not need to take years.

The impossible is possible when you know how.

Let me show you how.

Carrie Mulligan

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