Empowered Mind Transformation



  • Are you frequently sad or crying?
  • Are you inconsolable at times?
  • Do you feel alone, or easily upset or distraught by the words or actions of others?
  • Are your relationships strained by the unpredictable moods that drag you down?
  • Do you have bouts of hating yourself or life itself?
  • Are you having difficulties with ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, OR PTSD?
  • Would you like it to stop? To be free? To be at peace and relaxed?

I have worked with many women in such emotional pain. The reasons may be different, there are ranges of intensity, including unbearable, and the event or beliefs that triggered it may vary, but the therapy that works to relieve them of this burden is the same, with relevant personalized adjustments as you are unique.

And it doesn't take years of weekly or monthly therapy sessions to achieve the results that can immensely change your life.

I quickly uncover the root cause of the issue, process through it, neutralize the emotional pain, and release the symptoms of  anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

It's a process that we work through together, that can have very quick and exceptional results. If this is something you really want to restore, repair, or remove, you have the power to choose it to be so.

It doesn't matter how long you have had it, or how bad it is, or even if you never imagined you might have a choice to live without it.

1. If you are open to the possibility that it has worked for others, therefore CAN be done, and CAN WORK FOR YOU TOO,


3. and you are willing to participate in the FOLLOW THROUGH leading to the PEACE & FREEDOM from these symptoms,

that's all the opening we need to get started to make it a reality for you. 


What if you could walk away from your

emotional baggage?

From the moment we are born we start to accumulate and imprint emotional pain into our bodies, memories and beliefs. We drag around "our emotional baggage" until it gets so heavy that it can start expressing as anxiety, depression or in traumatic cases PTSD.

The burden can get so overwhelming, so unbearable that our mind and body cannot cope and breaks down into pain, tears, fears, and feelings of hopelessness. 

It's OK, it's not your fault, and the good news is you DO NOT have to keep it.

 It isn't good enough to just mask it, or cover it up by externally numbing the pain.

When you have an aching thorn in your side, you don't place a bandage over it, you pull it out and let it heal!

Empowered Mind Transformation takes you directly to the root cause of your pain, processes through it and then helps you to let go of it.

You may believe you know what event or feelings are causing your anxiety, depression or PTSD, or you may be unaware and surprised at what comes up in our session.

One of the realizations from working with many clients is that the origin doesn't have to be something we would typically consider a dramatic or traumatic event. It can be something you remember, or something you forgot, or locked away.

Using the power and skill of the subconscious mind, we find the truth, heal through that pain, and have your mind and body accept to let go of it. Then we infuse the future expectations of what you do want,

FREEDOM- happiness, peace, relaxation and calm.

"Imagine that you had the power to heal your emotions, let go of the past wounds that have settled into your mind & body causing you pain and dis-ease, and in doing so you could release and let go of the symptoms that hurt you?


Imagine it now...

Believe it!

Accept it!

Choose it now!


"I no longer have to imagine it, because I have seen it with my own eyes."

Carrie Mulligan RTT, C.Hyp


Anxiety is the magnified feelings of distress, unease, fear, and tension that can continue for days, weeks or months straight.

With or without obvious reasons, there is an amplification of worry and imagining the worst outcomes or future dread.

It is twice as prevalent in women than men, and can become so severe and consistent that it interferes with normal functions of life, relationships, and blocks peace and happiness.

Anxiety can also radiate inward to cause physical symptoms of migraines, muscle/joint aches, fatigue, difficulty swallowing, trembling/shakes, twitching, excess perspiration, irritability, anger, tears, deep sadness or perpetuate illness.

Anxiety, even at extreme levels, has been reduced or removed, along with the underlying symptoms, using the methods of EMT.

I need help with Anxiety


Depression can present as excessive or prolonged bouts of sadness, negative thoughts, or decreased motivation to interact with outside activities or people. 

Those who suffer with depression may stop taking care of themselves, including hygiene and nutrition, and they may sleep or cry more, experience insomnia, and increased self criticism.

They often experience feelings of rejection, isolation and hopelessness. It can either be short term, long term or sporadic.

Depression often stems from an initial experience or belief, or series of the same that can be realigned and soothed at the subconscious level with EMT therapies.  

I need help with Depression


Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder is rooted in a traumatic event that leads to various mental and physical symptoms that can last for years and be debilitating to normal life function. 

PTSD is most often associated with war veterans, but that is not exclusive. First responders, abuse and traumatic life events, loss, or natural disaster can also produce PTSD.

PTSD symptoms can be re-triggered by thoughts or situations reminding of the original PTSD event.  

Intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares may keep them stuck looping back into distressful feelings of that time.

Low mood (anxiety or depression), negative thoughts of self, emotional numbness, memory/concentration difficulties or feeling detached.

Intensified negative thoughts of shame, guilt, self-destructive behaviour, or nagging thoughts that the trauma was your fault or could have been avoided if only you had ... 

You cannot change the past, but you can change the effects the past has on you with EMT.

I need help with PTSD


Freedom is not something you are given, it is something that you take, that you create, that you demand as a sovereign human being.

Choose to be FREE from that which is holding you down, holding you back, and holding you at a distance from your peace and happiness.

Grab a Free Call Here

Release Emotions holding you back

From the very beginning, Carrie was loving, inviting, and warm. She was also funny, which made me feel that much more comfortable speaking with her...

she provided me with practical steps and solutions to a few of my issues that I could implement immediately... incredibly helpful when it came to releasing my emotions fully.

I had a lot of feelings and fears that seemed to be stored inside of me... I came to so many different realizations during the session and I just felt so empowered and free by the end...

I wake up with a fire in my heart that I didn’t have before.

Thank you, Carrie for your incredible work! 
I 1000% recommend anyone looking for serious life-changing results to give Carrie a call!

Tiani Perkins, New Mexico, USA

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Is the little girl in you crying out?

Trauma, painful experiences and wounded beliefs can take up space in our mind and our body from any age, but frequently begin when we are young.

These things, if not properly dealt with at the deepest level, can consistently scream louder in various emotional and physical ways, demanding to be heard, begging to be healed.

For some, it can be coped with, pushed down further and ignored.

For others, it can build and reach a level that refuses to be ignored and presents as anxiety, depression, PTSD, severe PMS symptoms, migraines, pain or illness. 

To heal, release and let go doesn't have to be difficult. It definitely does not need to take years.

The impossible is possible when you know how.

Let me show you how.

Carrie Mulligan

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